Dr. HaoSheng Sun received his PhD in Neuroscience in 2014 in the laboratory of Dr. Eric Nestler at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, where he studied how chronic exposure adverse environmental stimuli such as stress or drugs of abuse led to long term transcriptional and chromatin changes that disrupt normal reward circuitry. He then went on to complete his postdoctoral training with Dr. Oliver Hobert, where using the model organism C. elegans, he examined the transcriptional programs that underlie the temporal maturation of post-mitotic nervous system during post-embryonic development.
As an LGBTQ+ immigrant growing up in Canada, Dr. Sun recognizes the important roles that opportunity and the fantastic mentorships he's received throughout his scientific training played to allow him to pursue his dream career of academic research. He hopes to pay this forward to the next generation of science trainees by establishing an inclusive and fun lab environment where rigorous science is conducted.
Favorite Musical Artist
Ella Fitzgerald
Favorite Hobby
Musical theater
Favorite Food
Favorite Scientist
Ben Barres

Lab Manager

I earned my B.Sc. in biology at UAB, and I am now a postbacc student studying computer science. As an undergrad, I was first introduced to research under the mentorship of Dr. Carmen De Miguel where I studied sex dimorphism in the role of vascular endothelium-derived endothelin-1 during diabetic kidney disease. Currently, in this lab, I am a researcher II and the lab manager. With the assistance of Dr. Sun and other authors, I recently had the opportunity to take on the role as first author in Current Biology where we were able to identify LIN-14 homology to the BEN domain via structural analysis. I am also involved in additional projects specifically, characterizing the role of lin-28 in post-embryonic neuronal maturation. My long-term goals are to work on bioinformatics projects in the lab and enlighten children from underprivileged areas about careers in science.
Favorite Musical Artist
Alina Baraz
Favorite Food
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Scientist
Alan Turing

Scientist I

Shortly after completing my Doctorate of Philosophy degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the Department of Pathology with a focus on Neuropathology, specifically, the role of lipoproteins in the development and progression of Alzheimer's disease, I began my role as Technical Director of the NINDS-funded UAB Neuroscience Molecular Detection and Microscopy Core. Next, I accepted a position as a researcher at UAB in the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Division of Molecular and Translational Biomedicine.
Currently, I am working in the UAB Department of Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology for the laboratory of Dr. HaoSheng Sun as a Scientist I. My position in the lab is to initially expand the fledgling mouse colony to facilitate future experiments involving alterations that occur during early development in the brain, specifically, neuronal maturation and the mechanisms which lead to these changes. In addition, I perform administrative duties to ensure the lab is operating according to standard operating procedures.
Favorite Musical Artist
Colton Lewis
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Food
Fried Chicken
Favorite Scientist
Ken-Ichiro Fukuchi
My research questions revolve around what molecular and epigenetic mechanisms regulate the growth, feed utilization, and lipid metabolism in fish. My key interests are how nutritional factors (especially fatty acids, EPA, and DHA) during the critical windows of early development exert permanent effects on the metabolism and neurodevelopment a phenomenon known as nutritional programming. I try to explore the underlying molecular and epigenetic mechanisms in nutritional programming that are applicable to humans.
Favorite Musical Artist
Aretha Franklin
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Food
Favorite Scientist
Marie Curie
I attended the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama where I received my B.Sc and M.Sc. in Biology. I was mentored underneath Dr. Ryan Littlefield for both my undergraduate and graduate research projects studying muscle physiology. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student within the Neuroscience theme at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. My research focuses on examining the effects of extrinsic factors such as neuronal activity and environmental stimuli on post-embryonic nervous system maturation using the model organism C.elegans. My future aspirations include earning my PhD in neuroscience, and later working in academia to study neuropsychiatric/neurodevelopmental disorders.
Favorite Musical Artist
The Internet
Favorite Hobby
Playing Guitar
Favorite Food
French fries
Favorite Scientist
Barbara McClintock
Hello, my name is Dalton Patterson, I received my B.Sc from Piedmont University where I majored in cell and molecular biology. I joined the lab in 2022 as a Ph.D. student in the Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics theme here at UAB. I am working to understand how alternative splicing can regulate developmental changes through the lifespan of C. elegans and how that can be targeted as potential therapeutics for neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diseases. My future aspirations include working in the field of neuroscience and understanding how genetics plays a role in the onset of neuro related diseases.
Favorite Musical Artist
Bring me the Horizon
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Food
Favorite Scientist
Rosalind Franklin
I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics theme. I received my B.Sc. in Biology and Chemistry from Judson College in Marion, Alabama. I started my adventure in the Sun lab in 2023 as a graduate student and I am currently exploring the effects of acute vs. chronic exposure to drugs of abuse, with an interest in applying this understanding to identifying and characterizing regulators of drug-induced plasticity in distinct neuronal cell types.
Favorite Musical Artist
Percy Sledge
Favorite Hobby
Baking bread
Favorite Food
Pepperoni pizza
Favorite Scientist
Barbara McClintock
I received my B.Sc. in Biology from University of West Florida where I studied photoreceptor regeneration in zebrafish. I am a 3rd year graduate student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and my research interest is in understanding molecular mechanisms regulating temporal neuronal maturation during post-embryonic central nervous system development. My current project work reflects this interest and utilizes the mouse experimental model. After I finish graduate school, I would like to stay in academia and pursue a post-doctorate position.
Favorite Musical Artist
Burna Boy
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Food
Pan ku stoba
Favorite Scientist
Dr. Scott Taylor
I am investigating how the lin-41/let-7 gene regulatory pathway affects the neuronal maturation of C. elegans particularly from the late larval to young adult transition. During my time in the lab, I have been able to characterize lin-41's expression across development as well as examine how overexpressing the gene in the AIB interneuron causes functional and behavior changes. On campus, I am the co-chief editor for UAB's undergraduate research journal, Inquiro, as well as the acting senior co-chair for the Science and Technology Honors Program's executive council. I am also pursuing a degree in Genetics and Genomic sciences with an accelerated master's in Multidisciplinary Biomedical Sciences. In the future, I hope to pursue a Ph.D. in genetics and potentially have my own lab as a professor.
Favorite Musical Artist
Ryan Beatty
Favorite Hobby
Video Games
Favorite Food
Favorite Scientist
Dr. Jennifer Doudna
I am investigating the role of electrical synapses in post-embryonic neuronal maturation and aging. Understanding the role of electrical synapses in neuronal development could lead to a better understanding and potentially therapeutic treatments for neurodevelopmental diseases. I am majoring in neuroscience with a minor in chemistry and I am a part of the science and technology honors program. I am the acting Junior co-chair of the Science and Technology Honors Program, co-founder and Treasurer of a STEM outreach program for girls called Her Science, and a student in the accelerated Master in Multidisciplinary Biomedial Sciences program with a concentration in Neuroscience.
Favorite Musical Artist
Harry Styles
Favorite Hobby
Playing Piano
Favorite Food
Favorite Scientist
Rosalind Franklin

Undergraduate Researcher
I am currently an undergraduate student in the Science and Technology Honors program majoring in genetics and genomic sciences with a chemistry and biology minor. My project within the Sun Lab is examining daf-12's regulatory role in C. elegans that, when disrupted, can potentially result in the developmental of intellectual disabilities. My research interests include using genomic data and metabolic pathways to better understand the role that genetic predisposition and environment play in some diseases. After graduation, I plan to pursue an additional degree in genetic counseling with a focus on prenatal genetic screening.
Favorite Musical Artist
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Food
Chicken Fettucine Alfredo
Favorite Scientist
Jane Goodall
I am originally from Dallas, Texas, but now I live in Huntsville, Alabama. I'm a chemistry major with a concentration in biochemistry, but I'm interested in all subjects relating to science. I will be determining how certain environmental factors affect the neuronal development in C. elegans. My future aspirations are to attend graduate school at UAB and earn a PhD in Chemistry. I am also a ChemScholar and a teaching assistant for Organic Chemistry. I am involved in the Student Affiliates American Chemical Society SAACS at UAB as well as the SciTech Honors program.
Favorite Musical Artist
Dave Mustaine
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Food
Favorite Scientist
Jack Horner
I am an undergraduate student majoring in Genetics and Genomic Sciences with chemistry and spanish minors and am pursuing an accelerated Master's in Multidisciplinary Biomedical Sciences with a concentration in Genetics. In lab, I am investigating the role of early life stressors (ELS), specifically starvation, on neurodevelopment, and how the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin modulate the effect of ELS on neuronal maturation. By understanding these pathways, we hope to gain a better understanding of neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders in humans. After graduation, I hope to pursue an MD and become a physician.
Favorite Musical Artist
Arijit Singh
Favorite Food
Favorite Hobby
Singing and Cooking
Favorite Scientist
Ms. Frizzle

Undergraduate Researcher

I am majoring in Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Chemistry. I am currently taking public health-related classes and on the pre-med track. Additionally, I am apart of the Honors College and a member of the UAB Concert Choir. In the lab, I am working to validate differentially expressed genes from analyzed bulk RNA-sequencing datasets across development in C. elegans. I will be measuring GFP expression tied in with gene promoters to identify the gene of interest expressed in specific neurons pulled from the developmental bulk RNA-sequencing dataset analysis. To do this I will utilize the known Neuropal worm, for identification of the neurons, and validate the expression using microscopy. After I recieve my B.Sc., I hope to attend medical school to become a physician specializing in Geriatrics.
Favorite Musical Artist
Ella Fitzgerald
Favorite Food
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Scientist
Rosalind Franklin

Lab Mascot / Cheerleader
Monty is a Min Pin mix with a PhD in Squirrel Chasing. He doesn't actually do any lab work, but will be there to cheer you up when the experiments do not work.
Helen Zhou - Former Lab Manager
Meghan Hall - Former Undergraduate Researcher
Prince Mosley - Former Undergraduate Researcher / Intern from Tuskegee University
Neil Sethi - Former Intern / High School Student from James Clemens High School